Saturday, June 14, 2014

Day 9


Today was such a relaxing day. We basically did nothing. We woke up as usual and had breakfast and went to class.  Today we had a lecture on cultural studies and social sciences. It was not as interesting a lecture as many of the other ones. I was lost throughout half of it. Most of the time I was talking to my new Vietnamese friends and the guys on the trip about what we were going to do later that afternoon since our company visit was cancelled.

I’d rather not talk about our evening activities in my journal as these are graded… So instead I’ll talk about why our company visit was cancelled.

Of course most of us were tired from a day of hard “work” and “activities”… But the major reason was that there were protests happening in Vietnam that could have gotten a bit ugly. The protests pertained to the Chinese occupancy in the East Sea in an area where only Vietnamese should be there. The animosity between the two countries has been increasing every year as China tries to bully smaller nations into going with what they want. The protests were occurring in an industrial site with Chinese company presence. We actually planned to visit the company but the protests deterred our professor from risking a potentially hostile endeavor.

So instead it’s only the afternoon right now and I’m just laying in my bed sweaty. After I finish this journal I plan on taking a shower and then once again investing my time on a night of risky yet legal shenanigans.

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